Marketplace AM for August 14, 2006
Aug 14, 2006

Marketplace AM for August 14, 2006

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Segments From this episode

Heading back to Beirut

Aug 14, 2006
A UN ceasefire has, for now, ended five weeks of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah. The Lebanese people are trying to get back home, but there's an awful lot of damage. Host Scott Jagow talks to Ben Gilbert about the scene in Beirut.

Climate changes in China

Aug 14, 2006
China is cleaning up in the aftermath of the strongest typhoon to hit that country in half a century, and it isn't the only unusual weather affecting the country. Is there a pattern? Jocelyn Ford reports.

Northwest Airlines strike on hold

Aug 14, 2006
Northwest flight attendants won't begin random walkouts tomorrow night due to the new security concerns at airports. But if the airline doesn't reach a deal in the next 10 days, it could be facing the end. Jeff Tyler reports.

Sloan Sessions: Comverse backdating

Aug 14, 2006
Host Scott Jagow and Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan examine the Comverse options backdating scandal.

Mexico's election protests continue

Aug 14, 2006
Candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has vowed to contest the recent Mexican presidential election for years to come if necessary. Host Mark Austin Thomas talks to reporter Franc Contreras in Mexico City about the situation there.

Paying tuition in installments

Aug 14, 2006
An increasing number of community college students are taking advantage of flexible payment plans in order to keep up with rising tuition costs. Charla Bear reports.

Brits ease security restrictions — a little

Aug 14, 2006
The British government has scaled down its terrorist threat assessment of British airports and eased some of the on-board security restrictions for passengers. Stephen Beard reports.

Amazon's next move

Aug 14, 2006
Any day now, Amazon is expected to launch yet another new service. Last month it started selling groceries. Then came rumors the company would offer music downloads. Now video? Amy Scott reports.

Foster's abandoning TV ads

Aug 14, 2006
Shipments of Australia's signature beer have fallen 30 percent since 2000, so Foster's parent company is trying a new strategy to broaden appeal in the US. Steve Tripoli reports.