Segments From this episode

Anti-smoking pill may be real deal

Aug 15, 2006
A report out today finds that a new drug called Chantix helps smokers kick the habit. The maker of the drug paid for the studies, but it's not necessarily a conflict of interest, reports Helen Palmer.

Investing in alternative energy

Aug 15, 2006
Second quarter investments in so-called clean technologies such as solar and biofuels have reached record levels. Analysts say it's just the beginning, Sam Eaton reports.

HealthSouth looking to rehabilitate

Aug 15, 2006
HealthSouth's high-profile trial earned the company a spot next to Enron and WorldCom in the corporate fraud hall of fame. But unlike those companies, it has a plan to turn things around. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

British airlines want reimbursement

Aug 15, 2006
Costs from long delays and cancelled flights are adding up and British airlines are calling for the UK's main airport operator to pay for some of the losses incurred. Stephen Beard reports.

Laptop recall

Aug 15, 2006
Dell is recalling more than four million notebook computer batteries because they could burst into flames. What are the implications for the beleaguered PC giant? Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Budding entrepreneurs

Aug 15, 2006 today announced that 9-year-old Siena Jeakle of Seattle won its Best Lemonade Stand in America contest. They may not have won, but four New Jersey brothers think they've got the right stuff. Alex Goldmark has the story.

Moving on up

Aug 15, 2006
Commentator David Wells looks at how middle class retirees have been able to move up to an upper-class lifestyle.

Welfare reform: Outcome unclear

Aug 15, 2006
The Brookings Institution Monday released a report on the state of welfare reform 10 years later. Hillary Wicai gives us the highlights.

Bird flu in Michigan

Aug 15, 2006
The news that avian flu has turned up in some wild birds in Michigan isn't panicking that state's poultry farmers. At least not yet. Sarah Hulett reports.

Helping the Lebanese

Aug 15, 2006
The ceasefire in Lebanon has held for 30 hours now and people are turning their attention to aid. Host Scott Jagow talks to reporter Ben Gilbert in Beirut about how relief efforts are going.

Anniversary of peace in Aceh

Aug 15, 2006
Today Indonesia marks the first anniversary of the peace agreement with separatist rebels in Aceh. But they have some complaints too. Jocleyn Ford reports