Marketplace AM for August 15, 2007
Aug 15, 2007

Marketplace AM for August 15, 2007

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Segments From this episode

Nestle rolling in dough

Aug 15, 2007
The world's biggest food company has reported a sweet increase in sales and profits, despite the fact that milk and sugar prices keep going up. Stephen Beard looks at how Nestle earned enough to plan a $21 billion stock buyback.

Down with financial entrepreneurs

Aug 15, 2007
Commentator Robert Reich says the full-blown credit crisis of recent weeks is the price we're paying for letting financial entrepreneurs take over our economy, a problem that's not going away unless we level the playing field.

Planning a trip to Rome?

Aug 15, 2007
A quick visit to the Sistine Chapel before lunch, perhaps? Good luck. Ever-increasing numbers of tourists are creating frustratingly long lines at Rome's most famous attractions, and headaches for the city's small tour guides. Megan Williams has the story.

Trade-secret leak in aisle 7

Aug 15, 2007
The Federal Trade Commission inadvertently released documents yesterday from Whole Foods with information that should have been omitted -- including the grocery giant's plans to close 30 Wild Oats stores upon the companies' merger. Amy Scott reports.

It's a good time to be John Deere

Aug 15, 2007
The increased demand for ethanol fuel has turned things around for some American farmers. Suddenly they've got more money to reinvest in better tractors, and that's meant a profitable year for John Deere. Gabriel Spitzer reports.

Nokia hot to make a battery recall

Aug 15, 2007
In what will likely be a very costly recall, Nokia is offering to replace 46 million cell phone batteries because of cases of overheating. Lisa Napoli reports.

Today is hedge fund redemption day

Aug 15, 2007
That's not as good as it sounds. Most hedge funds require a 45-day notice before investors can withdraw money, which makes today the deadline to pull out before quarter's end. And markets are waiting to see if inverstors have had enough. Jill Barshay reports.

Stretching the business of relaxation

Aug 15, 2007
Americans will pay plenty to de-stress and relax, and where there are consumers, there are advertisers wanting to reach out to them. And it turns out even people just thinking about a healthier lifestyle make good consumers. Ashley Milne-Tyte explains.

Markets trapped on wild ride

Aug 15, 2007
Uncertainty continues to plague stock markets here and around the world. And after an unusual profit warning from Wal-Mart yesterday, overseas investors are particularly concerned that American consumers are out of spending money.