Segments From this episode

Double-whammy for hurricane victims

Aug 16, 2006
A federal judge yesterday ruled an insurance company could not be compelled to pay for storm-surge flood damage resulting from Hurricane Katrina. Stacey Vanek-Smith looks at what the decision might mean for hundreds of similar cases.

Non-stop from DC to Beijing?

Aug 16, 2006
United wants to be the first US airline to fly non-stop from Washington DC to Beijing. The airline's filing a request with the government today, but there's some competition. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Chinese invest in art

Aug 16, 2006
There's a lot of money sloshing around in China's middle class these days and it's found a new home in art auctions houses. Jocelyn Ford looks at what's driving the craze.

Who owns 'pod'?

Aug 16, 2006
Apple is out to reserve the use of the word pod for its own products. Ashley Milne-Tyte has the story.

New inflation numbers

Aug 16, 2006
In an effort to make the government's Consumer Price Index more accurate, the Bureau of Labor Statistics may begin calculating the figure out to three decimal places. Hillary Wicai explains why.

American shareholders sue BP

Aug 16, 2006
BP's American shareholders are suing the British oil giant over the partial shutdown of its Prudhoe Bay oil field in Alaska. The lawsuit accuses BP executives of negligence. Stephen Beard reports.

Showdown at Heinz

Aug 16, 2006
It's high noon at ketchup maker H.J. Heinz today, where a dissident shareholder squares off against the CEO over the future direction of the company. Lisa Napoli reports.

America losing its competitive edge

Aug 16, 2006
Commentator Robert Reich argues American businesses need to lobby Congress to bolster science and math education for the sake of American competitiveness.

Hewlett Packard earnings

Aug 16, 2006
The marker of personal computers and printers is expected to meet Wall Street expectations when it reports quarterly earnings today. Charla Bear reports.

Chinese students regret going to college

Aug 16, 2006
Young people in China are a little cynical about college. A new survey says that a third of graduates say their education was a waste of time and money. Jocelyn Ford reports.