Segments From this episode

Hang in there, homeowners

Aug 23, 2007
Millions of American homeowners are now trapped in adjustable rate mortgages watching their monthly payments creep ever upward as options for refinancing dwindle away. We ask mortgage consultant Kassie Welch, what now?

China crash would dwarf subprime crisis

Aug 23, 2007
When the U.S. subprime mortgage industry sputtered out, it sent world markets into a tailspin. But that's nothing compared to what a crash in China's financial market would do to the global economy, Chris Farrell tells us.

Will airlines pay for price fixing?

Aug 23, 2007
A federal judge today decides whether to approve $300 million fines against British Airways and Korean Air for colluding to fix fuel surcharge prices. But that cash won't compensate consumers who were overcharged. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Countrywide gets some color back

Aug 23, 2007
It's amazing what a little extra cash can do. Word broke last night that Bank of America bought $2 billion of stock in ailing mortgage giant Countrywide Financial, and suddenly investors are feeling a bit rosier too. Amy Scott reports.

AMA ad blitz: Health care for all

Aug 23, 2007
Today the AMA launches a three-year, multi-million-dollar ad campaign. Its goal: Stir up voters to ensure that '08 candidates take the issue of 45 million Americans without health insurance to heart. They want a real solution, Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Europe hints at rate hike

Aug 23, 2007
Just when it looks like the Fed might be ready to lower interest rates in the U.S., the European Central Bank has indicated it may raise rates over inflation worries. And at least one EU member state says the ECB's got it wrong, Stephen Beard reports.

Astronomical inflation in Zimbabwe

Aug 23, 2007
Two months ago, in an attempt to stem breakneck inflation, Zimbabwe's government ordered businesses to freeze prices. Since then, it's been crippled by a shortage of basic goods, and inflation shows no sign of slowing, Gretchen Wilson reports.

Cost of emerging from China's shadow

Aug 23, 2007
Taiwan and China have a long-standing disagreement, to put it diplomatically, over whether Taiwan is independent. And China's powerful economy has forced the tiny island to be resourceful in gaining recognition from other nations. Dan Grech explains.

Tough econ lesson for college students

Aug 23, 2007
The subprime lending fiasco has left the entire banking system a little tight on cash. And it couldn't have come at a worse time for college freshmen in need of student loans. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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