Segments From this episode

Extradition controversy resurfaces

Aug 24, 2006
A British businessman indicted for fraud in the US could be brought here in chains even though he's offered to travel voluntarily to face the charges, reigniting the controversy in Britain about the extradition treaty with America. Stephen Beard reports.

Stem cell breakthrough?

Aug 24, 2006
A biotech company claims it can create embryonic stem cells without destroying embryos. But that still might not be enough to entice investors. Helen Palmer reports.

Microsoft tries to salvage holiday sales

Aug 24, 2006
With its Vista operating system missing the holiday sales release window, software giant Microsoft lays out a strategy to up PC sales in December. Jason Paur explains.

Mission: Spy expo

Aug 24, 2006
Each year, Raleigh, North Carolina, hosts a meeting of spies where the public can meet real, live James Bonds — and sometimes endure a sales pitch at the same time. Jeff Tyler has the story.

Rite Aid is growing

Aug 24, 2006
The drug store chain Rite Aid said today it's buying the Eckerd and Brooks chains from a Canadian firm. Hillary Wicai reports.

Cheaper oil on the way?

Aug 24, 2006
Host Scott Jagow and Marketplace economic correspondent Chris Farrell look at the role of speculators in the crude oil market.

Israeli farmers trying to recover

Aug 24, 2006
Nearly a third of Israel's agriculture producers have taken a hit from the war. Now, those farmers are trying to start up again. Hilary Krieger reports.

'Big Blue' gets bigger

Aug 24, 2006
Janet Babin looks at what's behind IBM's move to acquire three companies that provide technology management software or services since the beginning of the month.

Copper strike in Chile

Aug 24, 2006
A strike at the world's largest copper mine has gone into its 18th day, but higher copper prices don't seem to have given workers much leverage in demanding higher wages. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Should monks accept gifts?

Aug 24, 2006
China's most famous kung fu monk is the center of a hot debate on the Internet. Chinese Web surfers are debating whether it's OK for monks from the famed Shaolin Temple that's inspired many martial arts movies to live in luxury.