Segments From this episode

Making real money in the virtual world

Aug 24, 2007
If you haven't been paying attention to something called Second Life, you could be missing out. It's the virtual home to a whole new economy that can generate very real revenue. We asked Edward Castronova how companies can benefit.

Vitamins going under FDA microscope

Aug 24, 2007
Federal regulators are finally doing something about inaccuracies in the $22 billion vitamin and herbal supplement industry. New quality standards start today, but consumers shouldn't expect to see change right away. Jill Barshay explains.

Gazprom coming to the U.S.?

Aug 24, 2007
In a roundabout way, the Russian energy giant Gazprom could become major natural gas supplier to the U.S. according to reports in the Russian press. Stephen Beard has details.

Oscar season just over the hill

Aug 24, 2007
The Toronto Film Festival gets underway in two weeks, unofficially signaling the transition at the box office from summer blockbusters to Academy Awards hopefuls. Variety's Mike Speier tells us what that's all about.

NYMEX is 'the place to be'

Aug 24, 2007
The New York Mercantile Exchange is looking for merger partner and it has a lot to offer potential mates. NYMEX stock has been rising by leaps and bounds since it went public late last year. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
New York Mercantile Exchange
Stephen Chernin (c) Getty Images

Braced for more bad housing news

Aug 24, 2007
New home sales numbers for July come out this morning and most analysts expect bad news as problems in the mortgage industry continue to leave builders with fewer and fewer potential home buyers. And the worst is still to come, Steve Henn reports.

A Monster hack job

Aug 24, 2007
More than a million job seekers will be getting a letter from soon letting them know hackers have stolen their personal information. The theft comes at a rough time for the job site, Amy Scott reports.

U.S. education suddenly a hard sell

Aug 24, 2007
Visa delays, an unpopular war and an immigration crackdown have made America a less appealing destination for international students, and that could be bad for the U.S. economy down the road. Dan Grech explains.