Segments From this episode

What won't we risk for cheap health care

Aug 28, 2007
Many Americans have embraced medical tourism in places like Thailand and India, but some are eyeing a new destination much closer to home. Only problem is, going there might very well land you in jail. Cuba, anyone? Helen Palmer has the story.

Lucy comes to Houston

Aug 28, 2007
Later this week the Houston Museum of Natural will display the remains of Lucy, a 3 million-year-old fossil discovered in Ethiopia, but the exhibit is stirring controversy is some scientific circles. Janet Babin reports.

Controlling the crowded, friendly skies

Aug 28, 2007
Delays are already a regular part of flying, and the number of takeoffs and landings at U.S. airports is only going to grow -- by nearly 1.5 million a year. The government has a plan to ease congestion. But it'll cost us, John Dimsdale reports.

Middle class still shrinking

Aug 28, 2007
Researchers predict that 2006 data will show a dwindling middle class when the census bureau releases its annual report on income, poverty and health insurance today. And that's bad news for folks above the $75,000 line too. Jeremy Hobson explains.

Venetian rolls into Macao

Aug 28, 2007
It's almost exactly like The Venetian in Las Vegas, only this one's in Macao and it's bigger -- in fact now the biggest gambling resort in the world. The Financial Times' Robin Quong tells us about the new resort's ambitions.

Abandoned in New Orleans

Aug 28, 2007
Aside from annual news specials looking back at the fury of Hurricane Katrina, you don't hear much about New Orleans these days. That might lead you to believe the city's getting back to normal. But you'd be wrong by author Billy Sothern's account. Really wrong.

Extra layer of protection for ultra-wealthy

Aug 28, 2007
A wildfire in Idaho is threatening billions of dollars worth of high-end real estate and that has inspired one insurance company to go to unusual measures to avoid getting burned. Elizabeth Wynne Johnson has details.

A record diamond isn't forever

Aug 28, 2007
Reports are coming in from South Africa that miners yesterday unearthed a light green diamond more than double the size of what was the world's biggest. If it's assessed to be a similar quality gem, the bidding will be fast and furious, Gretchen Wilson reports.

Tennis for love of the game, not names

Aug 28, 2007
For first time in a long time, the U.S. Open is without a big-name American player on the courts. But is star power the only thing that can keep U.S. tennis fans in their seats? By some counts, interest this year is greater than ever. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.