Segments From this episode

FEC considers rule change for campaign ads

Aug 29, 2006
Those weeks when your TV gets taken over by campaign commercials are just around the corner. Today the Federal Election Commission will look at easing restrictions on when interest groups can run ads. Hillary Wicai reports.Marketplace's Hillary Wicai reports.

Post-hurricane lessons from London

Aug 29, 2006
Business historian John Steele Gordon says public officials overseeing reconstruction of the Gulf Coast should heed the lessons of the Great London Fire of 1666.

Preparing for Ernesto

Aug 29, 2006
With Tropical Storm Ernesto bearing down on Florida, Dan Grech looks at the economic impact when a region holds its breath in advance of a potentially devastating storm.

Bankruptcy rates decline . . . sort of

Aug 29, 2006
New data show the rate of bankruptcy filings has plummeted. But Ashley Milne-Tyte reports that the numbers could be misleading.

Recovering from Katrina

Aug 29, 2006
One year after Hurricane Katrina slammed the Gulf Coast, Stephen Smith looks at how the pace of reconstruction can differ <nobr>. . .</nobr> even in the same family.

Report on poverty

Aug 29, 2006
The Census Bureau releases its latest study on wage and poverty trends today. Helen Palmer reports that while the economy has grown, some research shows the poverty rate has risen.

Boeing sees India sales taking off

Aug 29, 2006
Given growing demand, the aircraft maker sees nearly $73 billion in sales to India by 2026. Jason Paur reports.

BP runs into further trouble

Aug 29, 2006
The British oil giant is now reported to be under federal investigation for allegedly manipulating the oil and gasoline markets. Stephen Beard reports.