Segments From this episode

Clorox names new CEO

Aug 31, 2006
Clorox and Coke don't mix. Not at the bar, at least. But in the upper levels of the corporate world, they look real nice on a resume. Dan Grech reports.

H&R Block pays price for risky lending

Aug 31, 2006
Discount financial services provider H&R Block will report its quarterly earnings today. In the minus column: a $102 million loss for its home-lending business. Bob Moon reports.

Southwest to negotiate pilot contracts

Aug 31, 2006
The low-cost carrier is one of the healthiest airlines fiscally, but it likely still needs to cut costs. Starting Friday it can amend its contract with pilots, but the talks may go smoothly. Steve Tripoli reports.

Immigration crackdown biting into apple industry?

Aug 31, 2006
Washington is the nation's largest apple producer, and growers there are facing a labor shortage. Not enough workers to get the fruit off the trees. It could mean trouble for the billion-dollar industry. Jason Paur reports.

Retail sales figures out today

Aug 31, 2006
Major retailers report their August sales figures today. Nancy Marshall Genzer tells us what to expect.

Bringing back The New Orleans Tribune

Aug 31, 2006
Publisher Beverly McKenna of New Orleans' African American newspaper talks about the challenges of coming back after Katrina.

Shell execs won't face charges

Aug 31, 2006
The former head of the Anglo-Dutch oil giant Shell is off the hook. Sir Philip Watts and two other executives will not be prosecuted for overstating the company's oil and gas reserves. Stephen Beard reports.

Andre Agassi's legacy

Aug 31, 2006
Host Brian Watt and business of sports expert David Carter look at the legacy of Andre Agassi, both as tennis star and marketing icon.

California going greener

Aug 31, 2006
A bill lands on the desk of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today requiring the Golden State to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Jeff Tyler reports.