Segments From this episode

Lumps of coal worth more these days

Aug 9, 2007
As Asian economies continue to develop at breakneck speeds, so grows their need for power. Coal exporters worldwide are scrambling to keep up with demand, and that's pushing coal prices to record highs, but not everywhere. Sam Eaton explains.

Russia has eyes for Iraq's oil

Aug 9, 2007
Iraq might be ready to do some big-time oil trading with Russia to make good on old debts. But first the two nations would have to figure out the not-small issue of security in Iraq. Lisa Napoli reports.

Johnson & Johnson seeing red

Aug 9, 2007
The American Red Cross and Johnson & Johnson have worked with the same symbol for over 100 years on a pact that the Red Cross not use it commercially. Now J&J is suing the relief organization for displaying the symbol on its retail products. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Fishing for ways to fight malaria

Aug 9, 2007
The malaria parasite's become increasingly resistant to drugs, so researchers in Kenya have a new approach: Stock ponds with Nile Tilapia. The fish eat malaria-carrying mosquito larvae. People can eat the fish... if they want to. Helen Palmer has more.

Now Africa needs microsaving

Aug 9, 2007
Women make up 80 percent of Africa's subsistence farmers and food traders, but most have nowhere to save what little money they earn. One group has an idea to help change that: an African women's bank. Gretchen Wilson has details.

Inflation? No, it's the Bernanke Squeeze

Aug 9, 2007
Chris Farrell suspects all that Fed talk about inflation is just a cover, an excuse to keep interest rates at current levels because it doesn't want to bail Wall Street investment banks out of the mess they created... and heavily profited from.

Text 'til you drop

Aug 9, 2007
Text-messaging has leapt over the wall of teen obsession and into the hands of the general consumer public, so some retailers are taking advantage of the technology to lure consumers to their stores. Ambar Espinoza explains.

Cutting Godiva from their diet

Aug 9, 2007
Apparently the folks at Campbell's aren't buying into the whole "chocolate is good for you" theory. The company plans to sell off the Belgian chocolate maker because it doesn't fit its new wellness-focused image. Stephen Beard reports.