Segments From this episode

BP accused of price fixing . . . again

Dec 14, 2006
British oil giant BP says it could face charges of price fixing futures in the unleaded gasoline market. Stephan Beard reports.

Qantas turns on a dime

Dec 14, 2006
An extra 10 Australian cents per share — and a couple key conditions — finally won over the folks at Qantas. The Australian airline accepted an $8.6 billion takeover bid from a private equity group today.

New Yorkers at a tipping point, part 2

Dec 14, 2006
In some cities, holiday tipping is a yuletide tradition. Trey Kay hit the streets of New York to find out how folks feel about the custom — on both sides of the door.

Wall Street looks to '07

Dec 14, 2006
New Year's is still a couple weeks away, but Wall Street observers are already making earnings predictions for 2007. Forecast? Bullish. Janet Babin reports.

OPEC considers more cuts

Dec 14, 2006
OPEC leaders meet today. They're discussing whether to cut production again. What does this mean for your heating bill this winter? Alisa Roth reports.

Ethics reform makes a comeback?

Dec 14, 2006
Voter discontent may have given new life to ethics reform in Washington. A package that would beef up bans on gifts and meals from lobbyists is seeing light on the Hill today. John Dimsdale reports.

Minimum wage gap

Dec 14, 2006
Host Scott Jagow and Marketplace economics correspondent Chris Farrell look at the growing divide among economists over what to do about the minimum wage.

Taco Bell's PR problem

Dec 14, 2006
Health officials are now blaming contaminated lettuce for the recent E. coli outbreak at Taco Bell. But they're still investigating — and that's not helping with damage control, Amy Scott reports.

China doesn't want a lecture

Dec 14, 2006
Washington accuses Beijing of keeping the value of its currency artificially low, making imports from China unfairly cheap. China says the U.S. fails to recognize the headway it's making. Ruth Kirchner reports.

Tribune not selling L.A. Times a la carte

Dec 14, 2006
Entertainment mogul David Geffen has offered $2 billion cash for the Los Angeles Times, but Tribune is holding out for a buyer who wants everything on the menu. Dan Grech reports.