Segments From this episode

Dollar coin redux

Dec 15, 2006
This week back in 1978, the U.S. Mint introduced the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin. It never caught on, but that hasn't stopped the U.S. Mint from trying. . . and trying. Stacey Vanek-Smith has the history.
Susan B. Anthony dollar

Translation: Let markets determine the yuan's value

Dec 15, 2006
Ben Bernanke got out his best Fed-Chairman-speak to call for what most U.S. officials want: a rise in the value of China's currency. Ruth Kirchner reports.

Getting that crunching sound juuust right

Dec 15, 2006
Why do we buy one product instead of another? We usually like the way it looks or tastes or. . . sounds. Sound design and branding are becoming increasingly important in a crowded marketplace. Kyle James reports.

Golden Globes surprises

Dec 15, 2006
The 64th Golden Globes nominees were announced yesterday. Host Doug Krizner asks Variety senior editor Stuart Levine about the highlights and whether those nods easily convert to dollars.

Retirement crisis in the making

Dec 15, 2006
A new study commissioned by the Chamber of Commerce reveals that most people don't have enough money saved for retirement — and that's going to affect U.S. financial markets. Lisa Napoli explains.

Inflation watch: CPI out today

Dec 15, 2006
The consumer price index today basically tells us how much it costs to live, and it's considered a pretty good indicator of what's happening with inflation. Alisa Roth has this preview.

Britain drops arms investigation

Dec 15, 2006
The British government has provoked a hail of criticism after ditching a major corruption inquiry that had been threatening a $12 billion defense deal with Saudi Arabia. Stephen Beard reports.

Motorists sue over gas temperature

Dec 15, 2006
When you heat a liquid, it expands. No big surprise there. But when that liquid is gasoline, billions ride on this simple scientific truth. $2 billion, to be exact. Dan Grech explains how warm gas has led to some hot consumers.

Almost 10 hours a day

Dec 15, 2006
Americans now spend 9.5 hours a day consuming some form of media according to new data from the Census Bureau. The numbers keep going up — but the mix is changing. Dan Grech has details.

New rules for CEO compensation in effect

Dec 15, 2006
Companies today must begin to use the amended SEC disclosure rules for executive compensation — and some say the change could slow the rapid rise in CEO pay. Hillary Wicai reports.