Segments From this episode

A week before Christmas, a miser was born

Dec 18, 2006
Stacey Vanek-Smith takes us back to this week in 1843 to find out how Scrooge got his start — and became an instant publishing phenomenon.
Actor Tommy Steele as Scrooge in a 2005 stage version of the classic in London.
MJ Kim, Getty Images

Cigarette prices going up

Dec 18, 2006
Philip Morris is raising the price of its cigarettes by 10 cents a pack starting today. Steve Tripoli tells us how this one got passed on to consumers.

Iran, Venezuela attack the dollar

Dec 18, 2006
The Iranian and Venezuelan governments have cut their dollar holdings, but don't expect other central banks to follow suit. Stephen Beard explains.

Immigrants flock to Spain

Dec 18, 2006
Many Spanish-speaking Latin Americans looking for a better life are choosing skip the U.S. — and emigrate to Spain instead. Jerome Socolovsky has the story from Madrid.

FedEx gets help from the top

Dec 18, 2006
Shoppers are rushing to get those last-minute gifts delivered and thanks to the Internet, a record number of packages will be shipped this week. At FedEx, everyone's pitching in to meet demand. Tanya Ott explains.

Sloan Sessions: Define recession

Dec 18, 2006
Host Scott Jagow asked Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan to predict whether we're headed for recession in '07, but it turns out that all depends whose definition you're using.

Hints of rethinking the Cuba embargo

Dec 18, 2006
Congress is showing signs of a willingness to take a fresh look at the 44-year U.S. trade embargo with Cuba. And with Fidel's health failing, Cuban American exiles are open to policy change too, Dan Grech reports.

Shopping spree on Wall Street

Dec 18, 2006
Everyone's in a buying mood this holiday season. Private equity firms have been on a record buying spree this year and they showed no sign of slowing over the weekend.

Driving down the price of drugs

Dec 18, 2006
Private companies aren't the only ones putting pressure on drugmakers to lower prescription prices. This morning the Bush administration will offer its own proposal. Dan Grech reports.

U.S. company gets China nuclear deal

Dec 18, 2006
Westinghouse was awarded the right to build four nuclear reactors in China. It's an interesting decision on the heels of the American trade delegation's visit — and a huge blow to France and Russia.