Segments From this episode

Thai stocks plunge

Dec 19, 2006
Stocks on the Thai exchange sank almost 20 percent after the Bank of Thailand instituted changes that effectively stopped the flow of foreign money into the market there.

Small airlines fly under the merger radar

Dec 19, 2006
There's been plenty of talk about big airline mergers and takeovers lately — so why aren't legacy carriers going after the smaller, money-making airlines? Jason Paur reports.

A 'dead cat bounce' on Wall Street?

Dec 19, 2006
Analysts are expecting positive numbers when the government releases November housing starts and wholesale prices today, but the good news may be temporary. Sarah Gardner reports.

Battle for cheaper cable

Dec 19, 2006
The FCC decides tomorrow whether to make it easier for phone companies to enter local cable markets. Increased competition would likely drop prices for consumers, but public access channels could suffer. Sam Eaton reports.

Bah, inflation humbug

Dec 19, 2006
U.S. producer prices soared 2 percent in November — the biggest gain in more than 30 years. But we shouldn't jump to conclusions, says analyst Dana Soporta.

Get ready for tax form confusion

Dec 19, 2006
Congress has reinstated billions of dollars in expiring tax breaks for 2006 — but it was too late to get the changes onto 2006 tax forms. Charla Bear reports.

U.S. airlines exempt from carbon trading

Dec 19, 2006
The EU has altered its new carbon emission restrictions to affect only flights within Europe — at least initially. But as U.S. airlines could be missing out. Stephen Beard explains.

AT&T, Bell South merger delayed

Dec 19, 2006
The merger has one regulatory hurdle left: FCC approval. Late yesterday that hurdle got higher when FCC member Robert McDowell decided to abstain because he used to work as a telecom lobbyist. Dan Grech reports.

Can controversy save Berlin's opera?

Dec 19, 2006
Berlin's opera house was packed last night for the long-awaited "Idomeneo." It was canceled in September after threats from Islamic fundamentalists, but all the extra publicity could help bring back some much-needed funding, Ethan Lindsey reports.
Ramon Vargas, as Idomeneo, performs at the Salzburg Music Festival.
Josch, AFP/Getty Images

Putting eBay to the test

Dec 19, 2006
Cash Peters heads off to eBay U, where it doesn't take long for him to learn that you <i>can</i> sell anything online.

Goodbye VHS, farewell fair use

Dec 19, 2006
As VHS tapes and VCRs head the way of Betamax and phonographs, commentator Bill Hammack warns that the right to fair use is in danger of disappearing right along with them.