Segments From this episode

And then they created the Fed

Dec 20, 2006
Stacey Vanek-Smith takes us back to this week in 1913 to find out how the Federal Reserve came to be.
federal reserve building
photo Win McNamee (c) Getty Images

Not all charity is created equal

Dec 20, 2006
Americans are expected to give a collective record $200 billion in charitable donations this year. But commentator Robert Reich says we need to limit tax deductions for donations to <i>real</i> charities.

Solar skyscrapers rising

Dec 20, 2006
We've all heard of rotating rooftop bars, but officials in Dubai have announced plans for an entire building that rotates &mdash; powered by the sun. Janet Babin reports.

Native Americans get business smart

Dec 20, 2006
Starting a business is challenging under any circumstances, but try doing it amid deep poverty and a lack of know-how. Some folks on Indian reservations are &mdash; and they're succeeding. Steve Tripoli has the story.

Low-wage workers take it to the bank

Dec 20, 2006
Janitors in London took to the streets recently to protest the multimillion dollar bonuses top execs are taking home from the buildings they clean. Don MacGillivray has the story.

Transatlantic exchange race hits homestretch

Dec 20, 2006
Shareholders of the New York Stock Exchange vote today on a merger with Euronext. If approved, the merger will create the first transatlantic exchange. Steve Tripoli looks at how it will affect investors.

Tsunami victims still waiting for aid

Dec 20, 2006
It's been almost two years since the Asian tsunami killed over 200,000 people and left another half million homeless. But the UN says only half the aid money pledged has reached the devastated region. Stephen Beard reports.

Headed for a mortgage meltdown

Dec 20, 2006
A new study predicts that one in five Americans with subprime mortgages, about two million of them, could face losing their home to foreclosure. Dan Grech reports.

Markets have 'clean energy fever '

Dec 20, 2006
Renewable energy investment worldwide could hit $100 billion in 2006. That's great for the industry, but watch out for market corrections on the horizon. Sam Eaton reports.

Delta pilots feed the hand that bites them

Dec 20, 2006
Delta Airlines is expected to get the go-ahead to end its pilot pension plan today. But only yesterday, its pilots rallied in support of their employer. Curt Nickisch explains.