Segments From this episode

Holiday movie rental smackdown

Dec 25, 2006
DVD rentals and purchases tend to spike this time of year, and there are some new contenders vying for the holiday movie bestseller title. Tanya Ott calls the match.

Measuring this season of giving

Dec 25, 2006
2005 was a banner year for philanthropy as Hurricane Katrina and tsunami relief efforts spurred worldwide donations reaching $250 billion. But what happens in a year with no causes on that scale? Diantha Parker reports.

Holiday frocks galore

Dec 25, 2006
Marketplace commentator Michelle Philippe won't apologize for her tulle poufs and velvet gowns — she's extending her holiday season to get more bang for her holiday party buck.

House swap

Dec 25, 2006
You've got a bungalow in Spain. They've got a brownstone in New York. And both of you are thinking 'Let's trade properties for a little R&R vacation.' Tess Vigeland calculates the cost of a swap.
Beach homes in Malibu
David McNew, Getty Images

Turmoil after the storm

Dec 25, 2006
After the tsunami, residents Khao Lak, Thailand began to rethink whether the benefits of the tourism industry are worth the traffic, pollution and sex trade that come with it. Suzanne Nam reports.

Tom Wolfe on his best gift ever

Dec 25, 2006
Who knew the writer was such a big "Snow White" fan?

Department stores past

Dec 25, 2006
Host Lisa Napoli speaks with author Jan Whitaker about how the department store shaped the retail picture in the 20th Century.