Segments From this episode

SEC denies cover-up

Dec 5, 2006
A Senate panel is looking into allegations that the SEC fired one of its investigators to protect a prominent Wall Street executive, but critics say the agency's problems run deeper. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Passing the budget hot potato

Dec 5, 2006
The Republican-controlled 109th Congress begins its final session today. It's expected to leave the hard budget choices to the new Democratic Congress in '07 — and that could set up a showdown with the President. Hillary Wicai reports.

History of joining unions

Dec 5, 2006
Stacey Vanek-Smith takes us back to this week in 1955, when the AFL and CIO clasped hands.

Forecast: Bankruptcy

Dec 5, 2006
A new report suggests we'll see an increase in the number of companies going under in 2007. Jeff Tyler has details on which industries are likely to be hardest hit.

Will NYC go trans fat free?

Dec 5, 2006
It's a big morning for much-maligned trans fats. The New York City Board of Health meets today to decide whether to ban the artery-clogging oils from all the city's eateries. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

All that glitters . . .

Dec 5, 2006
Western investors have been jumping over each other to get in on the action as China opens its banking sector to foreign investors. But commentator Austan Goolsbee warns there's still plenty of corruption under that shiny new IPO sheen.

Offshore drilling, yay or nay?

Dec 5, 2006
The House votes on a bill today that would allow offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. You can bet Big Oil will be a big winner if it passes. Alisa Roth tells us who else stands to make money in the deal.

Edging into India

Dec 5, 2006
India has been slow to respond to overtures by U.S. businesses trying to capitalize on its fast-growing market, but it may be opening up to investors in some industries. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Las Vegas Sands takes gaming online . . . overseas

Dec 5, 2006
The U.S. casino giant is getting into the online gaming business in Britain — a move that will likely anger the UK's Internet gambling industry. Stephen Beard explains.

Chefs learn to bring the farm to your table

Dec 5, 2006
Five times a year, a pair of organic farmers in Eastern Washington invites chefs and culinary students to spend a week living and working "farm to table." Elizabeth Wynne Johnson has the story.