Segments From this episode

Nuclear deal needs damage control

Dec 6, 2006
House and Senate negotiators plan to unveil the reconciled versions of the Indian nuclear bill today, but India has been threatening not to accept the final version. Miranda Kennedy reports.

Retail looks for a late comeback

Dec 6, 2006
This holiday shopping season has gotten off to a slow start, but some analysts say retailers shouldn't count the consumer out just yet. After all, the calendar's on their side. Jeff Tyler explains.

Iraq Report released

Dec 6, 2006
The Iraq Study Group's much-anticipated report comes out today, offering a look at the military and political options in Iraq. Alisa Roth looks at the implications for U.S. defense spending.

If it ain't broke <nobr>. . .</nobr>

Dec 6, 2006
Commentator Robert Reich says all this talk about Wall Street losing its competitiveness is nonsense &mdash; and that the regulations many want to kill provide the very security that attracts foreign money to U.S. markets.

Another round of Blockbuster v. Netflix

Dec 6, 2006
With 25 days in the month to go, how do you reach your end-of-year subscriber goal? Poach from the competition. Lisa Napoli says, welcome to the continuing war between Blockbuster and Netflix.

O Capitol Christmas tree

Dec 6, 2006
Tonight's tree lighting in Washington D.C. will feature a Pacific silver fir from Washington State &mdash; and you might not believe the production and expense that went into it. Austin Jenkins has the story.

No dot-com IPO class action suit

Dec 6, 2006
A federal appeals court has ruled that the nation's investment banks won't have to face a huge class-action lawsuit for manipulating IPO stock prices, which means individual investors probably just lose out. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Fannie Mae to restate earnings

Dec 6, 2006
Mortgage finance company Fannie Mae will report results today for the first time since an accounting scandal erupted two years ago. Amy Scott gives us a preview.

Open Skies outlook grows cloudy

Dec 6, 2006
The transportation department has nixed a plan to give foreign investors more influence over domestic airlines &mdash; a move that could wipe out EU interest in the so-called Open Skies treaty. Stephen Beard reports.