Segments From this episode

401(k) rising

Feb 16, 2006
With comprehensive pension programs going the way of the dinosaur, 401(k) plans are becoming the favored alternative. But only half of eligible workers are now enrolled in these plans. Personal finance expert Chris Farrell tells host Scott Jagow about some of things employers are doing to make the plans more attractive to their workers.

Spring Training

Feb 16, 2006
As teams report for Spring Training in advance of the 2006 Major League Baseball season, Curt Nichisch reports that league revenues are expected to be higher this year than last.

Kyoto carbon market

Feb 16, 2006
Today marks one year since the Kyoto Protocol went into effect. One of the success stories of the treaty has been the carbon market, which allows the buying and selling of carbon credits. Sam Eaton has more.

Pickier NASDAQ

Feb 16, 2006
Looking to compete head-on with the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ will implement stricter requirements on which publicly traded companies it will list. Alisa Roth has more.