Segments From this episode

Forecast: Greed to blow in world market slump

Feb 20, 2007
A European investment bank says its Fear/Greed Index has hit an all-time high. If history's any indication, investors should look to stop riding the bull market soon — but they won't.

The dish on the satellite deal

Feb 20, 2007
Sirius and XM have agreed to merge their satellite radio services. With their combined 14 million or so paying customers, the new duo would completely dominate the budding industry. And that's where the FCC steps in.
Sirius, XM logos on satellite radios
Getty Images

AIDS trials hold hope for vaccine

Feb 20, 2007
Nine AIDS vaccines are in clinical trials around the world. The most advanced is taking place in the Dominican Republic where Merck researchers have enlisted prostitutes as their subjects.

Nola does business on a smaller scale

Feb 20, 2007
Small businesses in New Orleans have had to learn to adapt to a city that's still less than half of its pre-Katrina size. But at least one mom-and-pop store is thriving.

Iran nuclear problem may solve itself

Feb 20, 2007
While the international community frets over Iran's nuclear program, says commentator Reza Aslan, Iran's citizens are so outraged over their President's domestic policies that they may be the ones to force a regime change.

Putting a little green into those JetBlues

Feb 20, 2007
Following the past week's service meltdown, JetBlue this morning unveiled a passenger bill of rights that details how much it will compensate customers when flights are canceled or delayed.

How doctors would spend health care dollars

Feb 20, 2007
Researchers asked hundreds of doctors and nurses to rate how they'd spend public money for health care. Turns out, not all that differently than regular folks — except when it comes to life-saving interventions.

eBay resists taxing new responsibility

Feb 20, 2007
Lots of folks are making money on eBay these days, and not all of them are paying taxes on that income. The government wants eBay to report high-volume sellers to the IRS, but the online auction site says that's not fair.

Job cuts waiting in the wings

Feb 20, 2007
European plane maker Airbus was scheduled today to announce a major restructuring plan that involves slashing some 10,000 jobs, but the countries involved can't agree on which jobs to cut.