Segments From this episode

An arm and both legs for health care

Feb 21, 2007
Think we pay a lot for health care now? A report out today predicts that U.S. health care spending will double over the next decade — a growth rate some are calling unsustainable.

Jump starting the peace process

Feb 21, 2007
Palestinian ruling party Hamas has agreed to a power-sharing deal with Fatah, Israel's said that's a deal-breaker and the U.S. says it's not enough to remove the economic blockade. The Quartet meets in Berlin today to discuss what's next.
Israel and surroundings
CIA World Factbook

Stopping the Texas coal rush

Feb 21, 2007
A Texas power company wants to build 16 new coal-fired power plants and the governor is ready to fast-track the plan. That's sparked an all-out environmental war — with some strange bedfellows working together on the frontlines.

Does U.S. patent law travel?

Feb 21, 2007
AT&T wants Microsoft to pay for overseas patent infringement. The case goes before the Supreme Court today, and the outcome could have far-reaching effects.

E.U. commits to 20% cuts by 2020

Feb 21, 2007
All 27 European Union member nations have agreed to back a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 20 percent from 1990 levels by 2020. They might even go for 30 percent . . .

Apple, Cisco still talking on iPhone

Feb 21, 2007
The tech world is waiting today to see if the companies have finally come to an agreement. Cisco Systems sued Apple over the iPhone name back in January, but the conversation has lasted five years.

British Airways chooses Boeing

Feb 21, 2007
More bad news for European plane maker Airbus today as British Airways buys Boeing 777s to upgrade its fleet. Problem is, Airbus can't set a new course until it puts an end to infighting that's stalled its cost-cutting plan.

Charity loophole stays wide open

Feb 21, 2007
The new House rules are supposed to restrict privately-sponsored congressional getaways — but the rules don't apply if a charity's paying, and that means it could be on anyone's dime.

Warner clears path to EMI

Feb 21, 2007
European indie music force Impala has successfully lobbied to block Warner Music's previous attempts at buying EMI Records. So Warner made 'em a deal too good to pass up and now it's preparing an all-cash bid for EMI.