Segments From this episode

Women changing the rules of business

Feb 6, 2007
Author Margaret Heffernan has researched women-owned businesses and come to the conclusion that they're doing a lot of things right - and, in some ways, better than their male counterparts.

Ganging up on Google

Feb 6, 2007
Europe's telecom giants want to launch their own mobile search engine to compete with Google for the online advertising dollars (and euros) directed at their 600 million customers.

Skinny is wearing thin

Feb 6, 2007
Commentator Jessica Seigel says the American fashion industry's refusal to institute minimum weight rules on the runway is just one sign of a "thin is in" mentality that's bad for everyone, including the bottom line.

A measly $2.88 billion for BP

Feb 6, 2007
Lower oil prices have been slowly siphoning profits from all the Big Oil companies, but BP announced today that its fourth-quarter profit fell to a two-year low because of all that extra safety spending.

Keeping caviar off the menu

Feb 6, 2007
A U.N. panel lifted a year-old trade ban on beluga caviar yesterday, but a group of American chefs is saying not so fast. They've asked the U.N. to put the ban back.

Kodak's last shot?

Feb 6, 2007
Kodak is entering the inkjet printer market with a line using ink that lasts for 100 years. That's more than seven times what's out there now, but it might be longer than the company survives if this strategy doesn't work.

Holding contractors accountable

Feb 6, 2007
Are we the taxpayers getting our money's worth out of government contractors? Congress takes a closer look at the so-called fourth branch of government this week.

EPA in the hot seat

Feb 6, 2007
The head of the Environmental Protection Agency is on the Hill today to answer for his agency's actions. And critics in the newly-empowered Democratic Congress won't make it easy for him.