Marketplace AM for February 7, 2006
Feb 7, 2006

Marketplace AM for February 7, 2006

Stories You Might Like Myanmar coup has virtually shut down its health care system Biden’s first G-7 summit as president Between Brexit and COVID, British pig farmers face a backlog Companies could start using AI to boost worker productivity U.S. stores respond to wave of emergency contraception purchases The PGA Tour commissioner wants to see […]

Segments From this episode

'Frankenfoods' ruling

Feb 7, 2006
The World Trade Organization is expected to rule today on a dispute between Europe and the US over genetically modified foods. Helen Palmer looks at what's at stake.

Lawmakers take up the budget

Feb 7, 2006
Today, President Bush's budget proposal lands in Congress, where both the House and Senate have scheduled committee hearings to consider it. Eric Niiler has more on how the debate over the President's spending priorities is shaping up.

World's biggest cruise ship

Feb 7, 2006
Royal Caribbean International has ordered up the world's largest ocean liner. Stacey Vanek-Smith looks at what's behind the move.

Kicking the oil habit

Feb 7, 2006
Commentator Vijay Vaitheeswaran argues that President Bush's call to end America's addiction to oil is a good start... but much more needs to be done.