Segments From this episode

Let's fix Social Security together

Jan 10, 2007
Commentator Glenn Hubbard says a Democratic Congress and Republican White House <i>can</i> make really big changes in fiscal policy on issues like Social Security. If they'll just share ideas.

British tabs ban paparazzi photos

Jan 10, 2007
Murdoch newspaper group has banned its papers from using any intrusive photos of Prince William's girlfriend, Kate Middleton &mdash; a surprising move, Stephen Beard reports.

More troops headed for Iraq?

Jan 10, 2007
President Bush wants to send an additional 20,000 troops to Iraq, but Democrats in Congress hope to block the White House plan by tying up the purse strings. John Dimsdale reports.

Unsung biofuel gets backers

Jan 10, 2007
While ethanol and biodiesel make headlines, biobutanol has quietly attracted investment from BP and DuPont. And it may prove the best alternative to gasoline yet, Sarah Gardner reports.

Aviation dispute with Europe escalates

Jan 10, 2007
The U.S. is taking a hardline stance with Europe on questions of open skies and carbon reduction agreements, and comments today by a U.S. transportation official added fuel to the fight.

US Air sweetens bid for Delta

Jan 10, 2007
So far Delta has fended off hostile takeover attempts by US Airways, but this morning the offer went up 20 percent. Is that enough to sway Delta bondholders? Dan Grech reports.

Minimum wage hike may have strings attached

Jan 10, 2007
Congress is expected to raise the federal minimum wage to $7.25 an hour over the next two years &mdash; but proponents may have to cut small businesses a break to make it happen. Hillary Wicai reports.

Corporate raider pushing London deal?

Jan 10, 2007
The London Stock Exchange has been rebuffing takeover advances by NASDAQ, but the playing field might be shifting. Corporate raider Samuel Heyman has increased his stake in the LSE above 10 percent.

Chavez: Socialism or death

Jan 10, 2007
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez rattled investors yesterday with his plan to nationalize the country's biggest phone company and utilities &mdash; but that didn't meter his tone as he was sworn in for his third term today.