Marketplace AM for January 12, 2007
Jan 12, 2007

Marketplace AM for January 12, 2007

Stories You Might Like Security costs after last week’s Capitol attack Impeachment weighed against Biden’s economic agenda Why a sense of foreboding about foreclosure data isn’t necessary Remember credit-default swaps? Here’s what you need to know about SPACs China’s 18.3% jump in GDP is impressive, but skewed

Segments From this episode

Oil's big slide

Jan 12, 2007
The price of crude has dropped 15 percent in less than a month — which likely means OPEC production cuts won't be far behind. Stephen Beard reports.

An upside to urban sprawl

Jan 12, 2007
Rapid urbanization is taking a heavy toll on the environment and human living conditions around the world, but it could also make the problems easier to solve. Hillary Wicai explains.

Hard days at EMI

Jan 12, 2007
EMI today announced the departure of its two top executives along with a bleak earnings warning for the year that sent stocks tumbling. Thousands of other jobs could follow, Stephen Beard reports.

Destination: Denver in '08

Jan 12, 2007
The Democrats announced yesterday that they're going to Denver for the 2008 National Convention. So is Denver really winning big? Alisa Roth reports.

Working to keep the 'Net neutral

Jan 12, 2007
The annual Advocates for Media Reform meeting kicks off today in Memphis and one hot-button topic of discussion will be how to keep Net neutrality alive. Lisa Napoli reports.

Democrats take on drug pricing

Jan 12, 2007
The new Congress will revisit the Medicare drug plan — specifically the item in the original bill that keeps government from negotiating lower drug prices for seniors.

Marketing for the gold

Jan 12, 2007
Golden Globe and Academy Awards hopefuls are pouring more cash into advertising their films down the homestretch. Does the strategy work? Daily Variety's Mike Speier says yes.

Bringing back Orville Redenbacher

Jan 12, 2007
Orville Redenbacher died over a decade ago, but ConAgra is introducing a new popcorn ad that features a digitized likeness of the bow-tied icon of Americana.