Segments From this episode

Do Golden Globes equal box office cash?

Jan 15, 2007
The Golden Globe Awards show will put the winning films back in the spotlight tonight, but will more movie ticket sales come with those shiny statuettes? Lisa Napoli reports.

Congress turns to the kitchen table

Jan 15, 2007
The Senate is focusing new attention on how workplace policies affect families at home. Hillary Wicai has the story.

Job Files: Singing waitress

Jan 15, 2007
On this week's Job Files, singing waitress Johanna Pinzler takes us out to a piano bar.

High Court weighs insurance case

Jan 15, 2007
Tomorrow the Supreme Court considers whether insurers have been complying with a consumer notification law. If not, payouts will be in the billions. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Banks want you!

Jan 15, 2007
Keep your old customers close, but your new customers closer. Banks are rolling out the perks to get you to switch alliances. Lisa Napoli reports.

Cities of the future

Jan 15, 2007
The History Channel has challenged design teams to share their visions of three cities 100 years from now — and the future's not as bleak as you might think. Sandy Hausman reports.

UK defense contractor accused of bribery

Jan 15, 2007
The Guardian newspaper reports that Britain's largest defense contractor, BAE, paid a secret commission to win a contract with Tanzania. Stephen Beard has more.