Segments From this episode

BP might be in legal hot water

Jan 16, 2007
The Baker report, due out today, is expected to be highly critical of safety lapses at BP's U.S. oil refineries. And that could have costly ramifications in the courts, Stephen Beard reports.

Oil royalties slip-sliding away

Jan 16, 2007
Have oil companies been cheating the government out of billions in unpaid royalties? A federal court in Denver is hearing the case. Jeff Tyler takes a closer look.

BAE scandal heads to Paris

Jan 16, 2007
British officials go before an OECD committee today to explain why their government halted a bribery investigation into defense contractor BAE. Stephen Beard says the reason is pretty clear.

A sobering amendment

Jan 16, 2007
This week in 1919, the 18th Amendment prohibiting "intoxicating liquors" was added to the U.S. Constitution. Stacey Vanek-Smith has the history.
U.S. Constitution

Dealing with employee burnout

Jan 16, 2007
Job stress costs employers $300 billion a year — but how do you keep workers from hitting the burnout point? Apryl Lundsten looks at how emergency call centers help their operators cope.

Netflix delivers to your PC

Jan 16, 2007
No need to wait for the mail to get the next DVD on your queue. Netflix will soon begin offering film downloads online — but there are limits to the new service. Nancy Marshall Genzer has details.

Student loan rates going down?

Jan 16, 2007
The House is expected to pass a bill tomorrow that would cut interest rates on student loans by half — but banks are hoping to stop it in the Senate. Hillary Wicai reports.

Small towns brace for Ford fallout

Jan 16, 2007
Nearly 40,000 hourly Ford employees have accepted buyout offers that begin this month. And that could send city budgets in places like Brookpark, Ohio into the red. Mhari Saito has the story.

Flat-panel prices plummet — profits follow

Jan 16, 2007
LG.Philips LCD reported a huge quarterly loss, its third straight, to close out 2006 as competition pushed prices for those big-screen TVs down. Way down.