Segments From this episode

Getting antsy on Wall Street

Jan 2, 2007
Markets are closed today for the fourth straight day to mourn the passing of President Ford, but many traders aren't enjoying the extended holiday. Dan Grech explains.

Tasting the effects of climate change

Jan 2, 2007
The French wine industry could be in for a major shakeup in the decades ahead if global warming continues. John Laurenson has details.

Resolution: Unplug and enjoy

Jan 2, 2007
Writer and commentator James Braly offers this ode to a life without television.

Jobs forecast: Sluggish

Jan 2, 2007
Some economists are predicting that we'll see a slow rise in unemployment in 2007 — but the rest of us might have more money in our wallets. Amy Scott reports.

Fat drug delivery

Jan 2, 2007
Researchers at Duke University are testing a new cancer treatment method that involves sending in tiny little fat balloons loaded with drugs. Helen Palmer reports.

Oil settles in European trading

Jan 2, 2007
The price of oil fell below $61 a barrel in London following a relatively peaceful response to Saddam Hussein's execution in Iraq. But greater factors are at play, Stephen Beard reports.

Trends to watch in '07

Jan 2, 2007
The Trends Research Institute has put out its annual forecast for expected developments in the year ahead. Janet Babin has details.

New flap over fois gras

Jan 2, 2007
A Spanish company has just won the fois gras industry's top award — without force-feeding the birds. But the French say that doesn't even count as fois gras.

Wal-Mart's bright idea

Jan 2, 2007
The retail giant is pushing the sale of swirl-shaped fluorescent bulbs in its stores to get consumers to switch from inefficient regular light bulbs — but it's hitting some resistance. Dan Grech reports.

Bouncing Baby Bells

Jan 2, 2007
This week in 1984 we celebrated a new baby . . . actually seven of them. Stacey Vanek-Smith has the history.
AT&T logo on building
Toby Jorrin (c) Getty Images