Segments From this episode

I want my ESPN

Jan 20, 2006
Some lawmakers are balking at "family-friendly" packages of TV programming that cable companies and others are offering, because they don't include sports channels. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

The Job Files: Park Keeper

Jan 20, 2006
Today's installment of the job files looks at Ken Mitchell, who maintains the skating rinks for Minneapolis' city parks.

Evo Morales

Jan 20, 2006
Evo Morales is to be sworn in this weekend as Bolivia's first indigenous president. Dan Grech looks at how the left-leaning Morales is likely to impact the economy, in both his country and the Americas as a whole.

The reliability of computerized exchanges

Jan 20, 2006
While the NASDAQ and the Japanese stock market attempt to sort out the computer glitches that have disrupted trading recently, some market watchers are starting to question the headlong rush to computerized trading. Amy Scott reports.