Marketplace AM for January 23, 2007
Jan 23, 2007

Marketplace AM for January 23, 2007

Stories You Might Like Airlines (and omicron) bring an unwanted holiday offering: Flight cancellations The one U.K. industry not afraid of Brexit Why a sense of foreboding about foreclosure data isn’t necessary Remember credit-default swaps? What regulators came up with when they met about market volatility U.S. officials disclose successful effort to foil “Sandworm” cyberattack

Segments From this episode

Time to dump the donkey

Jan 23, 2007
A donkey? Jesse Kalisher says it's about time Democrats updated their logo to something that'll really move the tchotchkes — and the political contributions. He's got an idea for Republicans too . . .

Viagra ads under attack

Jan 23, 2007
An AIDS group is suing Pfizer over the way it markets Viagra, saying the ads encourage recreational use of the drug. But Viagra sales could have staying power even without the ads, Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Chipping away at profits

Jan 23, 2007
Computer chips keep getting smaller — and so do their prices. That's leaving archrivals Intel and Advanced Micro Devices in a race to cut costs and improve their products. Amy Scott reports.

New backdrop for immigration reform

Jan 23, 2007
With Democrats in control of Congress, President Bush is expected to make a renewed push for an immigration policy overhaul. And his guest worker program might have a better shot this time around. Dan Grech reports.

Less effective birth control?

Jan 23, 2007
Birth control pills may not work as well as they used to. Today the FDA is meeting with a panel of experts to decide what to do about it. Hillary Wicai explains.

Fuel-efficiency politics on deck

Jan 23, 2007
President Bush is expected to call for better fuel economy in his State of the Union address tonight. Sounds simple enough, but not everyone agrees on the best way to achieve it. Sarah Gardner reports

Schizophrenia drug under scrutiny

Jan 23, 2007
The Times of London says leaked documents show that American drug maker Eli Lilly knew about potentially-dangerous side effects of Zyprexa almost a decade ago. Stephen Beard has details.

Finding the gold in Golden State

Jan 23, 2007
This week in 1848, gold was discovered in California. That lucky strike sparked the largest gold rush ever and an economy was born. Stacey Vanek-Smith has the history.
Panning for gold on the Mokelumne River, originally published in Harper's Weekly in 1860 as part of the article 'How We Got Gold in California.'

Malaysia wants to fill 'er up with palm oil

Jan 23, 2007
With the world's attention slowly turning to alternative fuels such as biodiesel, Malaysia is hoping to cash in on its palm oil. But it may not be as eco-friendly as it sounds. Miranda Kennedy reports.