Segments From this episode

Kid-friendly homes . . . in the city

Jan 24, 2007
Some builders in New York have discovered a growing niche in the housing market: families who want the comforts of a suburban lifestyle without the commute. Lisa Napoli has the story.

Living in different worlds

Jan 24, 2007
American children of different races aren't growing up in a world of equal opportunity, according to data collected by researchers as part of a new project exploring diversity in U.S. metro areas. Helen Palmer reports.

Let the ethanol debate begin

Jan 24, 2007
With his sweeping call for a 20 percent reduction in gasoline use, President Bush set into motion a full-scale debate over alternative fuels — and what's really the best path to energy independence.

Sinking ship buoys nickel prices

Jan 24, 2007
A shipwreck off the coast of Britain has hoisted the price of nickel. The ill-fated cargo ship was carrying a thousand tons of the metal, which is already in high demand. Stephen Beard reports.

State Farm settles flood of lawsuits

Jan 24, 2007
Insurance giant State Farm has agreed to pay out about $80 million to Mississippi policyholders who had sued over unpaid claims following Hurricane Katrina. Hillary Wicai reports.

Looking down at the world's problems

Jan 24, 2007
Business and political leaders from around the globe have gathered high in the Swiss Alps for the annual World Economic Forum. Hot topics this year: globalization, trade imbalances — and global warming of course.

The health insurance tax break

Jan 24, 2007
President Bush has proposed tax reform which would treat the health insurance you get through your employer as taxable income. So who would benefit from his plan?

Did Microsoft cheat the system?

Jan 24, 2007
Microsoft allegedly offered to pay a software engineer to edit entries in the open-source Web encyclopedia Wikipedia. But is that a problem in a medium that, by definition, anyone can contribute to? Steve Tripoli reports.