Marketplace AM for January 30, 2007
Jan 30, 2007

Marketplace AM for January 30, 2007

Stories You Might Like Globalization, shmobilization. Try “slowbalisation.” Trump wants to make it harder to claim housing discrimination Brexit’s impact, one year on Nuclear energy’s 30-year low Is there a Brexit dividend three years on? Why a sense of foreboding about foreclosure data isn’t necessary

Segments From this episode

A funnier Air America on tap?

Jan 30, 2007
Once New York real estate mogul Stephen Green owns the struggling Air America radio network, he'll concentrate on its lineup. Ashley Milne-Tyte talks to one industry watcher who says they need to lighten up.

Long shot wins race for UK casino

Jan 30, 2007
Britain's first Vegas-style super-casino will be built in Manchester, which came not just from behind, but dead last to win what should be a great economic boon for the city.

Super Bowl sacks productivity

Jan 30, 2007
Workers could cost their employers as much as $820 million this week as Super Bowl parties are planned and office bets are waged. But some say those lost productivity studies don't tell the whole story. Amy Scott's on the sidelines.

The biggest drug company in the world

Jan 30, 2007
Rumors are swirling that U.S. drug maker Bristol-Myers Squibb could merge with Sanofi Aventis of France to create a pharmaceutical behemoth. Stephen Beard reports.

Advertisers get zapped for pop-ups

Jan 30, 2007
Law enforcement officials are now holding marketers accountable for paying to secretly install pop-up ads onto consumers' computers. Janet Babin has details.

College is a steal

Jan 30, 2007
The cost of higher education keeps going up, but Southwestern University president Jake Schrum says if you add up the value of everything you're getting, the price of that college education is actually a bargain.

Virginia's not for donors

Jan 30, 2007
At least not anonymous ones. Lawmakers in the state are considering legislation that would ban anonymous sperm and egg donations, and that could raise prices for families trying to conceive. Eric Niiler explains.

Singing for their tips

Jan 30, 2007
Cold Stone Creamery continues to give Baskin-Robbins a run for its money — more likely because of the toppings smooshed into your ice cream on cold stones than their other gimmick. Sean Cole explains.