Segments From this episode

New Texans

Jan 4, 2006
As many as one-third of Katrina evacuees who fled to Texas plan to stay, according to a new study. Larry Schooler looks at what the new arrivals could mean to the economy of the Lone Star State.

China's non-democratic capitalism

Jan 4, 2006
Commentator Robert Reich says China's embrace of capitalism shows that free markets don't necessarily need democracy to thrive.

Hungry little piggy banks

Jan 4, 2006
Personal savings in 2005 dropped to their lowest level since the Great Depression, according to a new report. Hillary Wicai has more.

Alito TV spots

Jan 4, 2006
Supporters and opponents of the confirmation of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court are pouring millions into TV advertising campaigns. Jeff Tyler has more.