Segments From this episode

Off the streets, into Café Reconcile

Jan 5, 2007
An innovative non-profit in New Orleans is luring kids off the streets of one of the city's worst neighborhoods — and into the restaurant business. Patrick Johnson reports.

Democrats' small business agenda

Jan 5, 2007
Leaders of the newly-seated, Democratic-led Congress say they want to help small businesses. Steve Tripoli takes a look at what that means.

Low-cost airline about to go long-haul

Jan 5, 2007
Air Asia, the biggest low-cost air carrier in the East, is planning to add cheap flights between Kuala Lumpur and London, but will the model stretch? Stephen Beard reports.

Montreal's real-life Robin Hood

Jan 5, 2007
Four-month-old bistro Robin des Bois has already made its mark on Montreal's trendy restaurant scene — by catering to the rich and giving its profits to the poor. Judith Ritter has the story.

Merkel and Bush make nice

Jan 5, 2007
Germans were hoping their Chancellor would ask some tough questions when she met with President Bush yesterday, but the leaders stuck to topics they could work together on. Ethan Lindsey reports.

Wal-Mart's solar secret

Jan 5, 2007
Bids are due today for what could become the largest solar energy project in history, but Wal-Mart is keeping quiet about its plans. Sam Eaton tells us why.

Job Files: Rocket scientist

Jan 5, 2007
This week Job Files takes us to meet a project manager whose job really is rocket science.