Marketplace AM for July 14, 2006
Jul 14, 2006

Marketplace AM for July 14, 2006

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Segments From this episode

Boeing v. Airbus

Jul 14, 2006
The two aviation giants have already begun posturing in advance of next week's Farnborough air show, during which billions of dollars in new contracts is expected to be awarded. Jason Paur reports.

G8 to talk energy security

Jul 14, 2006
Leaders of the Group of 8 leading nations are heading for St. Petersburg, Russia for this weekend's summit, where President Putin will try to convince them Russia is a dependable supplier of oil and gas. Stephen Beard reports.

Think you've got a bad boss?

Jul 14, 2006
A new Internet contest allows disgruntled workers to get back at their bosses. Hillary Wicai has the story.

Resale bling

Jul 14, 2006
With gold prices climbing back toward record highs, Hillary Wicai wonders if there are any resale treasures hiding in her jewelry box. She fills us in on the market for scrap gold.

Hollywood's 'drop' phenomenon

Jul 14, 2006
Host Mark Austin Thomas talks to Daily Variety managing editor Michael Speier about films that have a huge opening weekend at the box office — and then seem to disappear.

How to save up to 30 percent on gas

Jul 14, 2006
Host Scott Jagow talks to author Ron Hollenbeck about tips for getting better gas mileage. And it's not just driving less — though that'll work too.

Another win in Merck's column

Jul 14, 2006
With yesterday's verdict in New Jersey, Merck has now won more than half of the Vioxx liability lawsuits filed against it. Is the decision to fight individual cases paying off? Helen Palmer reports.

Protest profiteers

Jul 14, 2006
Mexico City's central plaza has been full of election protestors lately. And those protestors bring their pesos. Dan Grech reports on one sector of the economy that thrives on dissent.