Segments From this episode

Second opinion: Bad news for Glaxo

Jul 18, 2007
Following troubling reports from a U.S. researcher about diabetes medication Avandia, German researchers have found that GSK's second-biggest seller doesn't appear to work, but does have plenty of negative side effects. Stephen Beard has details.

When pollution's not the priority

Jul 18, 2007
There are trends toward improving air pollution in parts of China, says Financial Times reporter Muir Dickey, but the government of the rapidly industrializing nation has given economic growth top billing for the past 20 years... and it shows.

Corporate, public pensions roll the dice

Jul 18, 2007
Hedge fund and private equity fund managers are taking big risks and raking in fortunes. But the employees of all these public and corporate pension plans now investing in the funds have a lot more at stake, warns commentator Robert Reich.

Blueprints born out of tragedy

Jul 18, 2007
Here's a twist on the housing market: A wide range of opportunities awaits a new breed of scaled-down homes. Allowing wannabe homeowners to make a start with less, for one. But the idea had humble beginnings. Elizabeth Wynne Johnson has the story.

Insurers skimp on eating disorders

Jul 18, 2007
Health insurance woes abound in this country, but people with eating disorders often face an even steeper uphill battle with insurers, many of whom provide very limited coverage for what doctors call a very complex disease to treat. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Another day, a weaker dollar

Jul 18, 2007
The dollar continues its decline against the British pound and the euro today. But while American tourists headed overseas may be rethinking their budgets, U.S. companies stand to profit. Stephen Beard explains.

Airline profits delayed

Jul 18, 2007
American, Delta and Southwest release their earnings today. The airlines are expected to have had a good second quarter, but not good enough to make up for years of losses. And some say the government is partly to blame. Jeff Tyler reports.

Seeking mental health care equality

Jul 18, 2007
Democrats have made insurance coverage for psychiatric disease a high priority this summer. Separate bills are making their way through both houses of Congress, but business interests are supporting the Senate's version. Helen Palmer tells us why.

Will junk food ads walk the plank?

Jul 18, 2007
The FTC looks into food ad and marketing campaigns aimed at kids. Some of the sugary food products, like perennial breakfast favorite Cap'n Crunch cereal, have youth-oriented Websites. Janet Babin reports.