Segments From this episode

World music market

Jul 20, 2006
Host Cheryl Glaser talks to record producer Nick Gold about his latest album — the last with African blues guitarist Ali Farka Toure — and the business of bringing World Music to the world.

How can backdating be a good thing?

Jul 20, 2006
The Securities and Exchange Commission has vowed legal action against the backdating of stock options. But commentator Robert Reich says not everyone at the SEC is on board.

Gates' campaign against AIDS

Jul 20, 2006
Bill and Melinda Gates are committing $187 billion toward finding an AIDS vaccine. Janet Babin looks at past efforts to find a vaccine and how the new push will likely differ.

Asking WTO to rule on Internet gaming

Jul 20, 2006
A tiny Caribbean nation miffed at US efforts to restrict online gambling is calling on the World Trade Organization for help. Ashley Milne-Tyte has the story.

Wildfire souvenirs

Jul 20, 2006
With wildfire season in full swing, Rachel Myrow reports on some quick-thinking entrepreneurs who rush to the site of blazes to sell souvenirs while others flee.

Wal-Mart gets a break in court

Jul 20, 2006
States looking to compel Wal-Mart to offer greater health benefits for employees are examining their options in the wake of yesterday's federal court ruling against such an effort in Maryland. Alex Cohen reports.

Brits bristle at online gaming arrests

Jul 20, 2006
Internet gambling executives in Britain have been warned: They risk extradition to the US for breaking American gaming laws. And that has caused anxiety in the British business community. Stephen Beard reports.

Scaling back mad cow inspections

Jul 20, 2006
The US Department of Agriculture is expected to announce today that it's scaling back inspections of American cattle for signs of mad cow disease. Some cattlemen think that's a mistake, Helen Palmer reports.

Regulating Hollywood's sex scenes

Jul 20, 2006
New requirements for TV and movie studios could be on the way. Today the Senate considers a bill that would require Hollywood to keep record of ages of the actors in all those steamy sex scenes. Scott Tong reports.

Chalk another one up to Boeing

Jul 20, 2006
The man who many say single-handedly sent the Airbus A350 back to the drawing board makes more waves at the Farnborough air show. Jason Paur reports.