Segments From this episode

Drought plagues farmers

Jul 24, 2006
Searing temperatures this summer are leaving many farmers to face a drought in harvest-time income. Alex Cohen reports.

Big week for big oil

Jul 24, 2006
Earnings reports are due out for BP, Conoco-Phillips, ExxonMobil and other big oil companies this week. Lisa Napoli has this preview.

Fighting livestock registration

Jul 24, 2006
Vermont farmers are expected this week to sound off against a proposal to register all animals on livestock farms. They say it's just not feasible. Steve Tripoli reports.

Doha Round talks collapse

Jul 24, 2006
The US, Europe and developing nations have been trying for five years to draft a global free trade agreement. Today those talks broke down. Host Scott Jagow asks British economist Sean Rickart, what's the problem?

Sloan Sessions: Backdating explained

Jul 24, 2006
Host Scott Jagow talks to Newsweek Wall Street editor Allan Sloan about federal efforts to crack down on stock option backdating.

Cancer drug warning

Jul 24, 2006
New research shows a group of popular cancer drugs can increase risk of heart attack, but the findings may do little to dampen sales. Helen Palmer reports.

UK to crack down on fraud

Jul 24, 2006
The British government is planning to adopt a tough US-style approach to combating fraud and other large-scale financial crime. Stephen Beard reports.

Buying a new computer?

Jul 24, 2006
Most consumers consider factors like memory, processing speed and price when they buy a new PC. Now a new rating system ranks computers based on environmental factors. Alex Cohen has the story.

Accessible hedge funds are here

Jul 24, 2006
A Swiss firm that invests in hedge funds began trading today on the London Stock Exchange, a move that gives rank-and-file investors access to the ultra-risky investments. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Just say no to earnings predictions

Jul 24, 2006
Today a big business group is calling on companies to stop giving Wall Street quarterly earnings expectations. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.