Marketplace AM for July 25, 2006
Jul 25, 2006

Marketplace AM for July 25, 2006

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Segments From this episode

Sticky earnings period for Wrigley

Jul 25, 2006
Wrigley comes out with Q2 earnings today, but a $1.4 billion acquisition last year is likely to gum up the numbers. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

What killed Doha?

Jul 25, 2006
The Doha Round of global free trade talks collapsed Monday in Geneva. Steve Tripoli tells us what some of the sticking points were.

Cost of rolling blackouts

Jul 25, 2006
California officials warn of possible rolling blackouts if the current heat wave pushes energy use beyond supply capacity. Sarah Gardner takes a look at the economic toll the last time the Golden State faced rolling blackouts.

Cox on the spot

Jul 25, 2006
SEC chairman Chris Cox goes before lawmakers today to answer questions about a possible politically motivated squelching of an insider trading investigation. Scott Tong reports.

BP's big profits

Jul 25, 2006
British oil giant BP has reported a big hike in earnings thanks to higher oil and natural gas prices. But it's also facing plenty of problems in the US. Stephen Beard reports.

An 'Inconvenient' marketing opportunity

Jul 25, 2006
Producers of the global warming documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" seize on the current heat wave as a marketing tool for the film. Jeff Tyler has the story.

Disney buys its way into India

Jul 25, 2006
Disney said today it's buying Hungama TV, a kids entertainment cable channel in India. It might be a good move for Disney, Miranda Kennedy reports.

Click fraud lawsuits

Jul 25, 2006
Advertisers claim Google needs to do more to curb click fraud at a hearing over a proposed $90 million settlement to dismiss lawsuits against the search engine. Janet Babin reports.

Exodus to Syria

Jul 25, 2006
Thousands of Lebanese citizens are fleeing their homes to escape the violence between Hezbollah guerillas and Israel. Many have made it to Syria. Ben Gilbert reports on the impact it's having on that country.

Egypt's next big thing

Jul 25, 2006
Egypt has plans to broaden the country's tourism appeal beyond just the pyramids. Nancy Farghalli tells us what's coming.
The Great Pyramides of Cheops, Chephren and Mycerinus in Giza, Cairo, Egypt
Marco Di Lauro (c) Getty Images

Private insurance can cure pension problems

Jul 25, 2006
Commentator Barry Nalebuff argues for creating a new type of insurance to fix the nation's ailing private pension system.