Segments From this episode

No virtual gambling in a virtual world

Jul 27, 2007
The Second Life universe is a sort of alternate reality where members can buy virtual property, have virtual sex and until recently gamble for more-than-virtual dollars. But that's all over. Janet Babin reports.

Vaccine program milked for profit

Jul 27, 2007
G8 money backing creation of vaccines for the globe's poorest children may be getting misspent. Instead of selling immunizations at cost, Big Pharma companies are raking in big profits. Jeff Tyler reports.

Geek seeks same for LTR

Jul 27, 2007
Internet dating is a huge business, but where does the Star Wars-loving, D&D-playing pocket-protector set look for love? Enter, a site where folks with somewhat oddball passions find their perfect match.

Will flow of yen dry up with stock scare?

Jul 27, 2007
The recent global buying frenzy has been fueled by relatively low interest rates on the Japanese yen. Consultant Roger Bootle says the downward turn in stocks could get worse if that flow of cash gets scarce.

Budget showdown risky for Bush

Jul 27, 2007
The president says he will veto "wasteful" spending plans proposed by Democrats. But the majority party has a lot to gain and President Bush a lot to lose in a government shutdown. Steve Henn reports.

Simpsons poised to spark TV revolution

Jul 27, 2007
Mike Speir of Variety magazine says the film version of The Simpsons just might be revolutionary. If it's as successful as hoped, it will be the first blockbuster to move from TV to the silver screen.

Coming to America? Tell me more...

Jul 27, 2007
Under a new deal, airlines flying from the E.U. must submit passenger lists before takeoff. The U.S. can the use personal data to search for terrorism suspects, and keep the data for 15 years. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Investing? Check Pink Sheets first

Jul 27, 2007
The stock information service rates companies by risk, and could help smaller investors separate the good companies from the bad. How to tell a bad stock? It's labeled with a skull and bones... Amy Scott reports.