Segments From this episode

Sunny forecast for fireworks sales?

Jul 4, 2006
Will stormy weather in rain-soaked parts of the country and intense drought in others put a crimp on legal fireworks sales? The pyrotechnics industry doesn't think so. Alex Cohen reports.

Fill'er up with biodiesel

Jul 4, 2006
Tess Vigeland reports on the growing number of motorists opting for biodiesel to fill their tanks.
The Lovecraft Biofuels lot on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. About a dozen old Mercedes diesel cars await conversion to biofuel. Lovecraft performs about five conversions a day.
Tess Vigeland

Nissan, Renault to court GM

Jul 4, 2006
The boards of automakers Nissan and Renault yesterday approved talks with GM to create an alliance that would provide nearly one-quarter of all cars sold in the world. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
GM sign
Getty Images

Who Needs Sleep?

Jul 4, 2006
Lisa Napoli takes a look at one of the biggest occupational hazards in the film industry: lack of sleep.

Still too close to call in Mexico

Jul 4, 2006
Felipe Calderon appears to be the winner of Mexico's presidential election, but the country may be on the verge of political and possibly economic paralysis. Dan Grech reports.

Hybrid burgers

Jul 4, 2006
Looking for the taste and chew of hamburger without the fat? Rachel Dornhelm samples a new grill option that's as much soy as it is beef.

FOIA as business strategy

Jul 4, 2006
The Freedom of Information Act turns 40 today. It was intended as a tool for journalists to keep government honest — but businesses use it more than anyone. Jeff Tyler reports.

Hot dogs and politics

Jul 4, 2006
Lawmakers return to their districts this holiday week to meet and mingle with constituents. But the official Democratic and Republican talking points may not gibe with voters' economic concerns. Scott Tong reports.

New investment giant in Europe?

Jul 4, 2006
Europe could be on the brink of a new wave of takeover activity. Investment firm Permira has just raised the continent's largest-ever private equity fund. Stephen Beard fills us in.