Segments From this episode

Back-dating bad for bottom line

Jul 5, 2006
The SEC is investigating dozens of firms for back-dating stock options. Now, the Wall Street Journal says the SEC is ready to file charges against one company. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Sanctioning North Korea?

Jul 5, 2006
Japan has already announced some limited economic sanctions against North Korea, after it launched several test missiles over the holiday. But critics say more drastic sanctions are needed. Jocelyn Ford reports.

High cost of taking the act on the road

Jul 5, 2006
Ever wonder how much it costs to move big road acts like Madonna and the Rolling Stones from city to city? Lisa Napoli checks it out.

China's franchise growing pains

Jul 5, 2006
Franchising in China is growing at about 40 percent a year, one of the fastest-developing markets in the world. And Beijing recently changed the rules to make it easier for foreign franchises to join in. Jocelyn Ford reports.

Immigration hearings resume

Jul 5, 2006
House and Senate lawmakers convene field hearings today on immigration reform. But as Scott Tong reports, the testimony is likely to be only what the lawmakers want to hear.

Mexican politics in turmoil

Jul 5, 2006
The presidential election was Sunday, but today Mexico begins the official recount. It could take several days, but it looks as though the markets have already picked their winner. Dan Grech reports from Mexico City.

London bombing one year ago

Jul 5, 2006
Friday is the first anniversary of the London bombings that killed 56 people. The British government has repeatedly rejected calls for an investigation into the atrocity. Stephen Beard tells us why.

New drug to kick smoking habit

Jul 5, 2006
A new pill from Pfizer, called Varenicline, appears to work according to studies in the Journal of the American Medical Association out today.

Can e-newspapers save the industry?

Jul 5, 2006
What if you could fold up a computer screen and stuff it into your back pocket like a newspaper? Rachel Dornhelm reports on a new technology that might just help revive old media.

Ken Lay dies at 64

Jul 5, 2006
Enron Corp. founder Kenneth Lay, who was convicted of helping perpetuate one of the most sprawling businessfrauds in US history, has died. He was 64.

Minimum wage hike = smart politics

Jul 5, 2006
Commentator Robert Reich argues Republicans, as much as Democrats, stand to score political points by boosting the minimum wage.