Segments From this episode

Coca-Cola theft

Jul 6, 2006
Three people face charges for stealing Coke's "secret recipe" and trying to sell it to Pepsi. Stacey Vanek-Smith has more.

What happens to Lay's estate?

Jul 6, 2006
With the death of Enron founder Ken Lay, focus shifts to his estate: How much is left and who's entitled to it? Bob Moon takes a look.

Sports greats hanging up their cleats, skates, rackets . . .

Jul 6, 2006
Business of sports expert David Carter and host Mark Austin Thomas talk about the generation of sports legends heading for the door — and how marketers will replace them.

All bets are off in Atlantic City

Jul 6, 2006
Joel Rose takes a look at the economic impact of a prolonged closure of Atlantic City casinos and one group that's hoping it happens.

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

Jul 6, 2006
George W. Bush turns 60 today. We asked our own Hillary Wicai to shop for an economic present for him.

China to force union access

Jul 6, 2006
State-run newspapers in China today reported the government plans to force Wal-Mart and other foreign firms to allow employees to join a union. But it's not a win for the little guy, Jocelyn Ford reports.

Billboards with brains

Jul 6, 2006
Business of sports commentator Diana Nyad and host Scott Jagow discuss new technology debuting at this weekend's World Cup final that measures the effectiveness of billboard advertising.

Packed planes

Jul 6, 2006
Carriers are cutting routes and packing planes to fight high fuel costs. But as Annie Baxter reports, the strategy could backfire.

We may have a winner in Mexico

Jul 6, 2006
While you were sleeping, Mexican officials have been counting and re-counting votes in its presidential election. Host Mark Austin Thomas talks to Marketplace Americas Desk correspondent Dan Gretch.