Segments From this episode

Al Jazeera for a fee

Jul 6, 2007
Qatar-based TV network Al Jazeera has had a difficult time getting U.S. cable companies to pick up its English-language version since it launched late last year. But it has found a healthy niche of paid subscribers online. Jeremy Hobson has more.

How to solve child malnutrition

Jul 6, 2007
There's no question that huge numbers of impoverished people around the world are in desperate need of aid. But the debate over how to help them rages on: Education or welfare? Jill Barshay reports.

Cashing in on responsible trade

Jul 6, 2007
Just as business leaders from around the world gather at a UN-sponsored conference to push for greater corporate social responsibility, a new report has come out linking ethical business practices to higher profits. Sam Eaton has more.

Nightclubs hear the sustainability music

Jul 6, 2007
Rockers around the world will go on stage tomorrow to raise awareness of global warming as part of Live Earth. But Rico Gagliano found some clubs in Rotterdam that are already putting the message in motion, from recycled everything to dance-generated power.

Europe's fashionistas are changing

Jul 6, 2007
Trendsetters in Old Europe are spending more of their style dollars on MP3 players and cell phones and less on the clothes they wear, but clothing sales are up in the E.U.'s newest member states. Janet Babin reports.

Next-gen aircraft? Holy batwings!

Jul 6, 2007
Researchers are turning to the flying mammals for inspiration, looking to create flexible wings that can allow planes to be more agile and fit into tight spots. Dan Grech reports on the challenge of re-engineering a bat wing.

Virginia is for slower drivers

Jul 6, 2007
A new law taking effect in Virginia this week raises speeding ticket fines as high as $3,500. It only applies to residents, so lead-footed passers-through can breathe easier, but the old fines are pretty high too. Jeremy Hobson has details.