Segments From this episode

Dow family takes second look at Murdoch

Jun 1, 2007
When the owner of Fox News first came courting, the publishers of The Wall Street Journal snubbed him. Now they're interested, but only if he pays more than the $60-per-share price on the table. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Dems look to fix pay discrimination ruling

Jun 1, 2007
The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that employees have just six months to sue if they think they're getting less pay. Some Democrats are crafting a bill that would give them more time. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Ticket scalping: markets vs. mark-ups

Jun 1, 2007
In New York, the shady practice of scalping tickets may get a little sunshine. The governor is poised to make the practice legal, after a fashion. But is it fair to let the market decide a price?

BP muscled out of Siberian gas field

Jun 1, 2007
A panel is expected to revoke the energy company's license because it couldn't make its quotas. But that's mostly because Russia refused to build the pipelines BP needed. Stephen Beard reports from London.

P-Rade brings in the bucks for Princeton

Jun 1, 2007
It's the season for college reunions, and at Princeton, that means lots of alum money. The elite school boasts the highest alumni giving rate of any university in the country. Amy Scott reports.

Florida insures itself for hurricane season

Jun 1, 2007
Forecasters say a handful of major hurricanes could hit the U.S. this season. Florida's largest insurer is now a state-run company, filling the void left by wary private firms. But is that a good thing? Dan Grech reports.

Endless summer spinoffs

Jun 1, 2007
Ready for Shrek 4? This year's crop of sequels are money-making machines, and that's got the attention of studio bosses eager to make shareholders happy. But the Daily Variety's Mike Speier says that's not always a bad thing.