Segments From this episode

Diagnosis: Video game addict

Jun 18, 2007
If you just can't put down that PSP... you may need psychiatric help says the AMA. It's considering adding video game addiction to its diagnostic manual. But don't expect gamers to take the new label too seriously, Alisa Roth reports.

A Blockbuster vote for Blu-ray

Jun 18, 2007
It's the Beta vs. VHS battle of our time... two rival formats for high-definition DVDs are vying for market share. A move by the nation's biggest DVD rental retailer could tip the balance. Dan Grech reports.

Historic visit from Vietnam

Jun 18, 2007
Vietnam's President Nguyen Minh Triet arrives in the U.S. today, marking the first post-war visit by a Vietnamese head of state. It's an occasion that carries a lot of economic and symbolic weight, Jeremy Hobson reports.

Big banks want in on microfinancing

Jun 18, 2007
Major banking institutions are seeing profits to be made in microfinance -- and they're capable of doling out far more than the organizations currently making the loans -- but Michaela Walsh worries they won't reinvest in the poor local communities.

Must-have FT ups the subscription ante

Jun 18, 2007
In Europe, a copy of the Financial Times is as essential to business as the Wall Street Journal is in America. And the publisher might raise the single-issue price to $4. Stephen Beard reports.

Washington's new green party

Jun 18, 2007
Both Democrats and Republicans are working to make their 2008 national conventions the greenest ever. It may be all about appealing to voters, but regardless of motivation, activists happily point out, the environment wins. Jill Barshay reports.

North Korea finally gets its money

Jun 18, 2007
It's taken much longer than expected, but with a little help from Russia U.S. officials have managed to get North Korea the $25 million it was promised as part of denuclearization negotiations. Daniel Schearf has the story.

Boeing flying high in Paris

Jun 18, 2007
The weeklong Paris Air Show began today in Europe. Airbus has already announced a couple big orders for its planes, but rival Boeing is in such a dominant position, it's certain to stay on top of the industry for now, Stephen Beard reports.