Segments From this episode

Oil prices spike on threat of strike

Jun 19, 2007
Expect a temporary rise in gas prices. The price of oil has surged, partly because labor unions in Nigeria, the world's eighth largest exporter of crude, have called for a strike. Jeff Tyler reports.

Taking from oil and giving to green

Jun 19, 2007
The Senate Finance Committee today is scheduled to vote on legislation that would rev up research into green energy at the expense of the oil industry. Rachel Dornhelm reports.

Cadbury Schweppes losing its fizz

Jun 19, 2007
The company behind 7-Up, Dr Pepper and Snapple says it's likely to sell the U.S. unit that makes those beverages. And it'll shed thousands of workers in a major cost-cutting move. Stephen Beard reports.

Not on investors' super value menu

Jun 19, 2007
Wendy's has made it official: It's hanging out the "for sale" sign. But the fast food company's been hinting that it might be looking for a buyer since April and speculators may have pushed the stock price too high. Jill Barshay reports.

Keeping tabs on global warming claims

Jun 19, 2007
Companies across the globe are increasingly touting their efforts to reduce carbon emissions. But are they for real? A new Web service, soon available on cell phones, offers a reality check. Amy Scott reports.

That'll be $5.29... and 472 calories

Jun 19, 2007
Starting July 1, some restaurants in New York City will have to display calorie counts in type as large as the menu items themselves. The state's restaurant association has filed suit, saying the rule change is unfair. Alisa Roth reports.

Nuts & Bolts: Pulling the plug

Jun 19, 2007
Business isn't going so well, but how do you know when to cut your losses? It's a difficult decision, and the serial entrepreneurs among our listeners have some smart advice for the first-timers. Steve Tripoli reports.

Reality's new spin on tourism

Jun 19, 2007
A tour company in India is opening a new world to visitors. It's offering guided tours through the Dharavi squatter settlement, the largest urban slum in Asia. Miranda Kennedy has the story.