Segments From this episode

Japan's vision: A robot in every home

Jun 28, 2007
The Japanese government wants most people to be using a robot by 2015 so it's pouring $35 million a year into robotic intelligence to make it happen. It's all about an aging population and shrinking workforce, Jocelyn Ford explains.

A little NBA Draft Day math

Jun 28, 2007
Tonight 30 NBA teams will select 60 players to join their ranks. It'll be televised in 115 countries in 18 languages, and some of the newest NBA ballers will be foreign themselves. It all adds up to some nice global padding on the bottom line, Jill Barshay reports.

Flattery gets Apple everywhere

Jun 28, 2007
Think what you will about iPhone-the-product, says commentator Jeff Steinbrink, Apple's real genius is in its marketing. You know, the marketing that makes us want to be iPeople, the kind whose lives are streamlined and effortless and fun-filled...

One more cervical cancer vaccine

Jun 28, 2007
Since its debut last year, Merck's Gardasil has been the only cervical cancer vaccine available -- but probably not for long. Glaxo's Cervarix is hot on its trail and eager to start cashing in on what's expected to be a multi-billion dollar market.

Airbus almost ready to open China shop

Jun 28, 2007
Europe's Airbus has signed a joint-venture deal to open a factory in Tienjin, China. The plant will assemble A320 jets for the Chinese market, a bit of a coup for the struggling planemaker, but will it bring future trouble? Stephen Beard reports.

0% financing incentives are back

Jun 28, 2007
U.S. automakers are banking zero percent financing and rebates to clear their showrooms of 2007 model cars. Ford starts its sale today. GM did it two days ago. But what's this? Even Toyota's getting into the rebate game, Jeremy Hobson reports.

Ledbetter goes to Congress

Jun 28, 2007
Remember Lilly Ledbetter? She sued Goodyear after discovering she'd been paid less than male employees throughout her career. Her case went all the way to the Supreme Court, where she lost on a technicality. Enter Congress. Jeremy Hobson explains.

Women to the front of the line?

Jun 28, 2007
Outta the way techies! One report says that women may surpass gadget geeks as the largest consumer segment likely to adopt the new $600 iPhone. And if it happens, that would defy history, reports Janet Babin.