Segments From this episode

Before we let in the world's best and brightest . . .

Jun 6, 2007
Robert Reich says he's all for immigration, but he worries the immigration bill now pending in Congress is going to hurt qualified Americans looking for jobs, not to mention higher salaries.

Fee hike threatens Alaskan travel

Jun 6, 2007
In Alaska, air taxis are more common than ground taxis. Small planes are integral to the transportation system, carrying everything from commuters to pizza to emergency medical care. But an FAA fuel tax hike could ground many of them, reports Weld Royal.

Homebuilders storm the Hill

Jun 6, 2007
After enjoying years of unbridled growth, many homebuilders say they're now sinking along with the subprime lending market. So 1,300 of them are in Washington today to ask for help, and they have some unlikely allies, Steve Henn reports.

Avandia's fight for survival

Jun 6, 2007
Congress holds a hearing today on the safety of diabetes drug Avandia. GlaxoSmithKline is mounting an aggressive defense for its No. 2 seller. With sales already plummeting, there's a lot of cash on the line. Helen Palmer reports

OPEC math: More biofuel = higher oil prices

Jun 6, 2007
The oil-producing countries of OPEC seem to be getting anxious over all this talk about developing biofuels. The cartel says if the U.S. and Europe continue to push in that direction, it could drive oil prices "through the roof."

FTC not Wild about Whole merger thing

Jun 6, 2007
A potential merger of the two top "natural" foods chains triggers anti-trust concerns, but they argue that traditional supermarkets are offering the same organic options. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

China's new recipe for safety

Jun 6, 2007
Following several domestic and international scandals surrounding the safety of China's food and drug products, the Chinese government has announced a far-reaching plan for improvement. Scott Tong has details.